
The digital revolution has transformed industries across the globe, and at the heart of this transformation is code. Code is the language of computers, and in today’s digital age, learning to code has become a necessity rather than a choice. This article focuses on the importance of learning to code for beginners in Mohali, a city in the Indian state of Punjab known for its burgeoning Information Technology sector. Three key reasons to discuss this topic include: the increasing demand for coding skills in the job market, the role of coding in problem-solving and critical thinking, and the socio-economic impact of coding literacy.

Increasing Demand for Coding Skills

A report by the Indian government’s National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) reveals a growing demand for coding skills in India’s IT sector. With companies in Mohali and beyond in need of coding professionals, learning to code provides a direct path to job opportunities (National Skill Development Corporation, 2018)[1].

• Coding skills are increasingly sought after in the job market, opening up a range of opportunities for those proficient in it.
• Mohali, with its expanding IT sector, presents an ideal environment for beginners to learn and apply coding skills.

Role of Coding in Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Learning to code not only equips beginners with a valuable skill set but also facilitates the development of problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Media Lab suggests, coding encourages systematic thinking and creativity[2].

• Coding fosters logical thinking and problem-solving abilities, essential skills in various industries.
• The process of learning to code can stimulate creativity and innovation.

Socio-Economic Impact of Coding Literacy

The socio-economic impact of coding literacy cannot be understated. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, coding literacy contributes to reducing the digital divide and fostering socio-economic development[3].

• Coding literacy can reduce the digital divide, providing equal opportunities for people regardless of their socio-economic background.
• By empowering individuals with coding skills, we can foster socio-economic development.


In conclusion, learning to code is a valuable investment for beginners in Mohali. It opens up job opportunities, fosters problem-solving and critical thinking, and has a profound socio-economic impact. As the digital revolution continues, coding literacy will undoubtedly become an increasingly essential skill.


[1] National Skill Development Corporation (2018). Skill Gap Study. Retrieved from
[2] Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab. (n.d.). Coding. Retrieved from
[3] World Economic Forum. (2019). The Future of Jobs Report 2019. Retrieved from